Apartments at Higley and Warner

The Morrison development team is pursuing a rezoning of part of the northeast corner of Higley and Warner. This page is our effort to communicate clearly and directly with residents and others who are interested in what is happening at this corner. It will be updated as we progress.

In December of 2020 the Morrison development team made two decisions: the commercial site at the northeast corner of Higley and Warner was too big and too delayed to drive the development of the corner; and the apartment site which had always been east of the commercial could expand into the commercial. Therefore we began to pursue an apartment builder who would build apartments befitting Morrison Ranch. And we began a five month process to get the approvals from the Town of Gilbert necessary to proceed. The zoning change includes making the commercial site smaller so that it will be more attractive to retail developers.

The apartments in Highland Groves are our model for what these apartments should look like. These apartments are often mistaken for the homes across the road. They are two story like many of the homes. They have architecture which fits the Ranch. They have landscape that matches the surrounding landscape.

The Rezoning Process

Click here for overview of the Town's rezoning process

Scott Morrison outlines the process for the Morrison Ranch apartment rezoning: